
Friday, April 08, 2016

We obey as much as we love.. !

I once said to my wise father why life is harder than what we expected .. should i care about it, should i craved each and every rock for to live it .. i knew it's a test to a lesson i even do not know.. but should i obey or live rebels, should i be hateful, nasty or spreads love. does happiness is a dream may come true, daddy i think loudly about life, i feel i live it correctly but i see nobody around me and how.. how i value the things before i lose it, it's so easy to walk into any destination but where i can find the right way to take, what if my destiny led me to live inside life swamps why then i can't criticize the filth.. you know daddy i think humans obey as much as they love.. O, please answer me should i live it or leave it..
we always walk, but we don't know to where.
we know that we have to arrive, but we don't know why.
we believe one day we will pass away, but we don't know when.
we know that we have to live correctly, but we don't know How.
we know that we have to obey, but we don't know whom.
we know that there is creator, but so many people still ask who.
Finally he smiled and said .. O son .. you my boy lives the poem before you even start to write it, you know; Some poets write with pen.. but you will always write with pain.
The answer are in your heart.. then, don't say what even never ask why, and people who really love you, can understand the words that you've never ever said.
leave it and your heart leads your steps, our life my son is so short to spend it thinking about who we hate, just remember its
a long road, short story do it with a brave heart.. be an idea, good ideas never die. never give up what you want.. do it never hesitate to do it and keep in your mind that; one day you will not be able to do it.

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