
Sunday, May 15, 2016

A letter from within

Dear self.
This is who I am.. This is all I've got.. These are my mistakes and everything I'm not.
I'm not asking for your love, I want you to accepct me as what mirror reflect me..  Let go of these chains and set me free
Yes I mess up everyday and I'm nowhere near perfect but are the brusises and scars really worth it
Maybe I'm just a man, Who grew up way too fast and I'm trying make a future while i'm stuck in the past and you look so skinny but You feel fat inside.. You eat to cure the emotions that have died .. And you're dying to be loved again, cause you don't even love you and you're sitting in pain.
Don't know what to do.. you look and smile in the mirrior but the smile looks fake.. And looking at yourself was another mistake.
You hate yourself and you wish you were more strong, accepted wiser or pretty.. And so you wallow in your self pity.
You're hoping to be accepcted, Cause you're so misunderstood
You'd change your life in a second O... If only you could do,
Feel less worthless and gain some self esteem for maybe things wouldn't be as bad as they seem.
So you're writing yourself this letter .. In hopes that you'll get better. Maybe one day you'll seem that you're a shooting star or even you'll see that you've come so very far.. And finally accepct yourself.. For who you are.

Your sincerely shadow.
Take care.!

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