
Saturday, May 21, 2016

A lie still a lie.

You can't always believe everything you hear.
A fib is a fib, a lie still a lie, you may know the truth, but would much rather die.
Sometimes you make excuses to cover the light. Like sunglasses at noon, pretending it's night. You tell this to others.'What a beautiful evening. Don't you agree my dear friends?
They look at you like your crazy. Some nod and just smile... but they know the live in denial. And when day comes to completion, and the moon rules the sky, while other's are sleeping... you stay up and cry. You ask yourself why..!
Throw the glasses away, and enjoy the next day. for you have a never chance every new dawn..
Don't be a fool for deception to rule.
Don't be the face, of a heartbroken race.
Shed that last tear. And go have a prayer. Live in the truth, your redemption is near... Be in the now, this moment of time. Let your smile be light to attract the sublime. Laugh after laugh, step after step, you'll no longer worry about the sorrow you kept. Stay one step ahead of the past.

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