
Thursday, May 05, 2016

But not forever

he’ll give you time, but not forever.
he can wait, he’s patient.
he is quiet and complacent, but still, you must not forget him.
he doesn’t make demands this way.
he chokes and chuckles, bends and buckles, but him ends, they still do fray.
he is content with hidden hands.
Holy palming, secret longing.
Two sets of footprints, distant in the sands.
he breathes in quiet winds. Stolen glances, believe in second chances,
But quiet is not silent, silence is not golden, words not a token, but you do not relent.
he’ll give you time, but not forever.
he can wait, he’s patient.. 
he is quiet and complacent, but you, you must not forget him..

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