
Monday, May 30, 2016

Good life need good wife.

In a round way of life what does a man need?
a woman to be call a wife.. or a plot to grow some whets?
just lie down in the night with your eyes gaze at the light, knowing nothing could be done with your might and ask yourself is that all to life.!!
Some think life is all about making wealth or having a family with good health, they gain all they thought but is like joy as melt
still the same life is to be felt.
They try to seek for other solutions but it becomes a greater situation is like life is a place without salvation.. that is the a place you call the world.. 
now let talk about my place call the reality.. We don't need to be in the dark nights, where satisfactions have great might because we have come to the light together, with no bit of fears, we feed our life together hand in hand from our true emotions, taking care of all the family, help each other's to growing, to face the worth, the bad and the good together with so much patience, to trust each other, to believe in each other's.. so please.. 
just believe in God, just believe in love and shine so bright in our life, for I'm blind without your lights..

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