
Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Love and lovers... Special request in channel 1.

sometimes it feels so right even though it might be wrong
one is always the weak while the other plays it strong
Is it just a game of give and take but what is real and what is fake

Life, promises are made, promises are broken but once life is gone, what is then left or taken?
Emotions in the wind, regrets tearing us apart.. memories of the mind and illusions of the heart
the times you saw black while I insisted to see it white
you had to say day each time...  I said night
Is it just a game of yes and no but part of me wants to stay and the other wants to go.. 

Time, moments are shared, moments are forgotten but once time is gone, what is then left to taken ?
Emotions in the wind, regrets tearing us apart ... memories of the mind and illusions of the heart
sometimes we shared were good but others instead were bad
we could make each other happy but we chose to make us sad
Is it just a game of live or die, but should now I laugh or should I cry

Feelings, words or caring, words of hate but once...  feelings are gone, what is then left to debate.?
Emotions in the wind, regrets tearing us apart.. memories of the mind and illusions of the heart.
how strange are its beginnings though even stranger are its ends
now they are enemies though they used to call each other friends. 

Is it just a game of joy and sorrow but should I remember yesterday or dream about tomorrow.!!!
Love, kisses of passion, kisses of deceit .. but once love is gone, what is then left to listen?
Emotions in the wind, regrets tearing us apart.. memories of the mind and illusions of the heart.

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