
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Never bow.. 02

Bow not to anything.. Even do not bend nor break and never cry over something lost, through all your fears behind your back and live in this world comfortable and satisfied.
If grief and bitterness trubid your life, try your best to swallow it,
if your wounds left you to suffering alone with your past shadows, be smart enough to cheat it with a smile.
Stand strong aginest all your sadness, aginest all you fears.. A strong wedge for you yourself can only faced self despair..
Never leave your eyes prey to your tears, Forget the one who was next to you and he does not remind your existence beside him.
Open your eyes and teach yourself how to find what you need... Yet never bow to your arrogant and says..  "I", 
Yet never give the grief control over your will for it'll break your strength. Take off the greatness from your heart for it is fair enough to deal with how life humiliates us everyday.

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