
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Rejection .. Channel.1

The worst pain you will ever feel is begin rejected
You can have all the friends in the world but you will still feel alone with your rejection
Nobody understand you or
You don't even understand yourself
You feel trapped in a box with no way out or nobody to help you out
You feel like a ghost walking around, wishing one day you will be found
You feel like an outcast..
Do you want to cry, but no tears come out
Do you want to scream, but no sound come out
Do you think everything that happen is always your fault even
Do you wish you can crawl into your grave and just die
Do you wish you can fast forward time to the moment you arrive to your final destination... You have nobody to talk to, rely on
to feel your pain
Sometimes life is fair
Sometimes life is cruel .. Are you live a life like a shadow
Do you feel unreal
Do you feel fake
Do you feel like a nobody
Do you feel the pain of being sad and alone
I feel your pain
Sometimes I feel the same way
Sometimes I wish somebody will end it all.. Or just open the box
My life is just like a shadow, stuck in a box
May be I go crawl in a hole and lay down and even die
Maybe when I'm gone
I will not feel the pain of being rejected.. But you know, I also hide my pain with a smile on my face for nobody understand that people go thru pain..
The worst is you forget that you designed to success, you designed to acclimate to any conditions.. No matter what..
I feel your pain but..
I never give up hope, for miracles do happen.. Go watch the darkness of the starsless night how it gives birth to the new dawn. 

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