
Friday, May 20, 2016

The power of your love, is all I need tonight

Once your little shoes were kicked off your tiny feet, you lied your body on beach.. close but far from me and it was quiet and then silent.
i walked my fingers up your back, they tip-toed up your spine
and then, found the dance floor at your shoulders waltzing, eyes closed like swimming in fantasy memory and O.. the deeper i pushed, the harder it was to refrain from wiggling slightly while our temperature was on automatic rising and gaining speed our breathing.. And my wandering fingers, curiously aimlessly feeding your fingerprints with my skin and your body becomes my canvas for all the poetry i want to touch your freckled back, and soft sides warm chest, beating fast, lips moist .. i, i get them wet with mine in a shore of dreams where we're the only two sounds, the only ones alive
And you, push my hand away just to the places where you want me to, while in a waves of shyness and desires you say we shouldn't ... but, you dig in your nails... we remains for a while of time, and while you climax my heart falls harder, you make me want to make you want me more.. we're our own game of pure ecstasy, I've touched your body completely every square centimeter, over and over again.. 
I can't control, i can't let go and you don't want me to and we're like branches off of different trees swaying with the wind the same grazing with intention,
you're the only one that's every made love to me, the way i made love to you... and that's special and i hope you feel it because i feel it like a heart attack that never stops, and i never die
You take me to the heaven's in a bed that's made for just us two and when we're tired, we pass out fast and you're in my arms, and we're laying naked for once our feet are warm, we're comfortable it's the best sleep that I've ever had...
until you leave me in my dream to race around all day inside my head.. 

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