
Saturday, June 04, 2016

An open window to your heart, fair enough

A bouquet of magic pink roses I send to make you smile and cheer
These special roses are magic ones that will chase clouds out of here
For them to work their magic, there are just a few things you must do
Just trust me a little and follow the instructions ‘cause this is all for you
First, close your eyes to see them and the way they are beautifully arranged
You should see that they are displayed the way you like them, and the arrangement will never change
Now, flex your nostrils a little and take a deep breath through your nose
You should smell the fragrant aroma and feel a tingle all the way to your toes
Next, take your right hand and gently place it over your tender heart
You should feel it beating strongly with a flutter right from the start
Do not be alarmed that your heart is fluttering, and beating strong and fast
The magic of your pink roses is touching it so that the feeling will last
There is one last thing I need you to do for your magic pink roses to work
Go look into a mirror and give yourself a funny facial smirk
This should bring a smile to your face and you should be starting to grin
If for some reason the magic does not seem to be working, you have to follow the instructions again
Keep repeating these clear instructions until you begin to smile
The magic pink roses shall take you to a happy place that will last for quite a while
Keep your magic pink roses around because they will never wither or die
They will always be right there to take you from an emotional low to a high

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