
Sunday, June 26, 2016

I'm not happy.

i just hope i can find my old me gain, 
i don't feel either sadness of joy, either love or hate and either pity or mercy but all i know now is
i am not happy and i' not sad..
I'm not okay to be alright and i lose my will to show the world how strong this has made another me.. someone i don't even accepted or used to be.
maybe that person becomes stronger than the original nothing can bring me down, can tell the storys or even paint a fake smiles but it's not me.
I'm not angry or vex, I'm not full with that your hate and tear doesn't want to come.. I'm hanging inbetween and the light ahead feel dem day by day.
I don't want your forgiveness and i don't want to live in your hatred either, I don't want your pity and your mercy should stay with you.
please don't pray for me anymore for i got a lesson with a highly price.. 
I needs to do silently what i decided to do, for i used to walk alone blind, 
today I'm not sad, today is my revolution day against this person reflection his shadow in my old mirror.
today I'm not sad, but I also not happy.