Monday, June 27, 2016

My will.

I woke grudgingly, upon my thought. she woke me and had me taught. I found her questions, questionable. and my 'answers': unanswerable.
Why do we think ourselves kings yet, fear death like every kin.!!
Why do we hump our shoulders and consider not another's plights.!!
Why should we disturb the dead at the expense of the living..!
Why do we claim honour and wealth through and with things of horror..!
Why do we kill in order to heal.!
Why do we shed blood in order to flourish.!
What is life if we can't freely forgiveness.!
Why do we wait till heaven to make the earth a peaceful haven and truth unearthed.!
Who will touch the path of stars and ride on the wings of the wind.!
Who will taste death and come to life to live among men eternally.!
replying trials...
I ruminated on the expanse of my mind. my replies came in trickles,d ripping from the pinnacles of my thought..
Who am I to tell the dawn to wake, to yell the ice to be river, or even to tell the story of the dead.!
I know not the force behind the light, but i believe there is only one god, the path of heavens is not mine to fix but knowledge I will continue to seek, and my will will never break..