
Sunday, June 19, 2016

My woman is a blessings.

O, how sweet are the words from your lips, the words full of hope and promises
O, how sweet to hear those whispers, whispers with jokes and naughty phrase.
am i still the apple of your eyes.!
the prince of your life.!
am i still the goddess of love.!
the only man who owns your heart.!
My god, bless me in this Holly month coz i lovet his woman, teach me to create words of love
help me to reach her lonely heart, bring these words to fill her life with pleasure.
who are you to blame me.!
who are they to condemn.!
who am i to refuset he love of this powerful wowan.
clouds may cover the sun, darkness may fill our day, thorns may spread at night.. but always let dawn brings us new hope.