
Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Not by being still can many things be done.

It takes real men to stand and face the foe,
Not by being cowards are the battles won,
It takes truth in us to walk where we must go.
Not by what we say but by what we do
It takes every fiber here to negate the lies
Not by being silent can we prove what's true.
It takes unity of heart and one goal to find
Not by passive stance can we make things right
It takes all the governed to speak out their mind
Not by shades of gray is there black and white.
It takes boldness to stop our own country's demise,
Not by being fearful can we keep our land,
It takes just one man to bring utter destruction
Not by false illusions can our freedom stand.
It takes blindness to bring death to a nation.
Not by being still can many things be done.

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