
Friday, June 24, 2016

So simple life.

Though life would never be the same again, we continue to believe in the choice of the game.
We spend years deceiving the forces of time to learn nothing is permanent than the wheel of time.
As the world grows bigger and bigger, we also begin to feel smaller and smaller.
Brought to the knees by the fleetingness of time we understand life is about balancing the blade of black and white.
Though things do crumble, fall, and break apart, the best laid plans are being laughed at.. and the hands of time do run out of sync. life remains but a series of new beginnings.. of blind steps into the unknown happenings.
Though things occur beyond a measure of control and the changes ensuring in the blink of the eyes. 
haunting and clouding our future lives so we move on waiting for the next morning.. knowing only for sure that the sun will rise again.
Somehow we believe there is a plan laid out for us even in this state of neverending flux.
So believe in some divine order within our lives for if we don't, what other reason but love, Would we live.!!