
Sunday, June 12, 2016


The paths I'll cross as many did before, they intersect to twist and turn, stretching on so far, so long.. even so weard to one's belong.. to places i have not yet learned anything about, the people leave at their own whim.. to these uncharted lands.. who knows, maybe I should decide to traveling to Netherlands.. no thought to fear or care of strife, come they in merry band while the roads may be kind or cruel depending on the day maybe the bitter snow heavey rains or icy rain it can drive one mad, some say.. I'll end this nine required to get ready, so very hard for Arabian to be traveler.. while each and everyday I listen to my shadow telling me..
Traveler you chose this road, too far too long, too difficult even too different from home and where you belong, then I replying him; 
Man' It's how fare we can go before we giving up.. hold on for I seek the truth.