
Friday, June 03, 2016

Uploading " not enough"

It is not enough to have a dream, unless we are willing to strive for it... For then it as if we never had one.
It is not enough to complain about something, unless we are willing to try to make it better... for then nothing will ever change.
It is not enough to think something is wrong, unless we are willing to stand up against it... for then evil will always triumph.
It is not enough to be to strong, unless we are willing to help others... For then our strength has no real power at all.
It is not enough to point out to someone their faults, unless we are willing to help them change... for then they will never become a better person like we hope.
It is not enough to merely speak, unless our words have meaning. Have a viewpoints..  for then it as if we never spoke.
It is not enough to know the truth, unless you are willing to accept it... for then everything becomes a lie.
It is not enough to know what is right, unless we are willing to live by it... for then your existence is in vain.
It is not enough to want to be loved, unless you are willing to give it freely..  for then you will never understand what love is all about.

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