
Monday, June 13, 2016

Waiting for the light..

Here I'm .. I, me and mine into the dark waiting for the light. i've been waiting forever since it all start.. Traveling in my dreams, walking in the nights, Living in a world call never since the beginning of all times.
Shinning stars appearing in the gloomy sky, leaving a sparkling on my dust floating trew the winds of the night, neverworld start to change.
Everything is getting brightly but it all still the same, 
Alone with no darkness.. everything feels strange to blind by the brightness of missing hope of changing, But why I can't even see the reflection of my face in this,
Black or white, dark or light... There's still no difference my god, why I can't figure this out.!
Suddenly sky turns gray, backgrounds appearing two shadows coming straight, good and Evil holding hand in hand, asking me to follow them to the land of "never", But i still didn't take the chance to knowing who am I feeling, The good disapear and evil goes away, darkness comes back and everything is back the same way I used to see, the same way I used to be.. alone in the dark waiting .. for the light,