
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

You.. and everything else.

The freezing chill of the outside nips, in the dark mystery of your solar eclipse.
Surrounded by stars glistening like fire, and above the height of an old church you always got inspire.
A vivid picture of a forest so green, running through is a crystal stream, the waters chilled and glistening in the sun and across the shore you barefoot run.
In the red of your untasted lips your perfect stature and feminine hips, in the cascade of your ebony hair, in the velvet of your skin so bare.
The depths of the sea calming and cool even the waves of the water, of.. oh, Venus’ pool.. Unpredictable and changeable on its own accord the gush of the water bellowed and roared, and now I shall tell, the only way that I can take a look around, the sky, sea and land.. for beauty is everywhere if you care to find it, but who care if I already tenderly have the heart of it.