
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Clarity in love.

Until some rules to us have come, and understood by 'everyone'... under the Sun,
Will there then be a need to exchange... Respect for all, without the name calling or the playing of games.
Knowing that a thoughtfulness given is returned as expected, with a respect that is the same reflected.
Until all our moods that we carry are dismissed and diffused, And released are those conflicting attitudes,
Shall we then have a reason to obey and say, The direction we all are headed towards, affords brighter days to come to stay.
Too many of us have so much we distrust, those promising yesterdays of hope and joy... Seem to have drifted away from us day by day..
Until some rules to us have come, and happiness experienced is a wish for everyone specially us,
There will be no one to witness a life to fully rejoice, or decide to gather fulfillment with one voice, If the choice that is made indicates, there is a decay of love, then clarity will cure all the self-illness above.