
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Family is a renwable river

The baby sighed at her mother's breast
Eyes closed, contented enough now to sleep
The daughter sighed as she closed her books
Now the rest of the day was hers' at last
The young woman sighed against her mans' chest
A sigh that said I know I'm safe and loved
The mother sighed as her baby sighed
Tired, yet strangely happy with the constant demands
The grandmother sighed as she dusted the photographs
Of her smiling grandchildren, growing up so fast
The grandfather sighed as the latest arrival
Was carefully laid in his old loving arms
Not many years left now for future plans
But in exchange for a future, the rich past
his mind, is a book full of treasured memories..
once he said to me .. that there's a lot more pleasure in the wanting, than the getting.. I couldn't reply him with agree or disagree but now.. I..
I disagree, for over the years so many dreams have disappeared
And many plans and ambitions were never allowed to come to frutition
Life always seemed to find a way of putting obstacles in my path
Doing what other people wanted and what other people asked
At times I've felt as if I were a ship just drifting on endless seas
Yet I have never given up the hope of finding that longed for harbor
For some day, my time will come
I'm certain that it will.. but until then, the way we treat our families is a story we ink it and someday our children will read it to us..