
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Me, To, I and the mirror

Woman in my mirror tell me what you see, The world of beauty in your eyes for all the world to see.
Do you see the laughter that lines your shining eyes, or the way they sparkle brightly each time that you cry.!!
If you looked into their depths can't you see the life you've led, don't you see the strength in there
That keeps you focused... straight ahead
When you look into that mirror..
Can see how she looks at you,
Can you see the questions hidden there as she wonders who you are "to"..!!
Do you see her slender shoulders that carry the weight of the world, the way she holds her arms about.. and stands there closely furled.
Do you not see that tiny waist.. o.. Or the pert uplifted breasts, or they way her heart beats strongly.. Hidden there, inside her chest..!
Can't you hear the echo of her passionate cries.!
Can't you see her curving legs so tender and yet so strong, Why do you only see the things you think are wrong.!
Go deeper with me.. into the woman inside, that stands before you in the mirror,
Take a good long look before death draws us nearer.
See ..
The goodness in your heart
The kindness in your soul,
Look behind the cracks and chips to the woman standing whole.
Beauty lies beneath the surface and is not just skin deep, It's in the laughter of your soul and in the tears that make you weep.
It's in the way you hold close a child as she cries,
It's in the way you comfort him and dry the tears from his eyes.
It's in the way you hold your man and bring forth his passionate cries,
It's there in how he hold you and kiss the tears from your eyes.
The beauty that you posses shines thru in all you do, look into that mirrored face the beauty there is calling "me"
And between "to" and "me" you lost the site of I.