
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

useless letters..!

thirty two years ago, when i start to study English language, i was wondering about who's  idea was it, to put the silent letters in words ? 
It makes no sense to me. When the word is said, you hear it, phonetically. Why do we need the k in knee ? If you leave the k out, doesn't it still sound, like it's supposed to be.!!
 How about the word plumber ? 
What is the b, supposed to be there for.!! 
As far as I'm concerned, the b, shouldn't be in there anymore. 
Putting all these extra letters in words, is utterly confusing. For those trying to learn the english language, it's anything, but amuzing. the point is everything should be kept simple, so it's easier to pronounce and easy to spell. If they would have left it alone, without using those extra letters,
we all would have done, very well!
is that clear..!! like I said, simple life not a simple life just when you through out all those usless letters from your mind.!