
Tuesday, August 02, 2016


What Is the difference between a daydream and pretend..!!!
Both memories that fade away
Both moments that were created as a ways to an end, Whether to fall into slumber or leave reality
What’s the difference with either creativity..!
You can dream you live miles away,
Pretend you are everything you are not
You can dream you are rich,
Pretend that your fears will stop
You can dream that you are in love
Pretend that you are famous,
You know what your soul is made out of
You can pretend these hopes do not matter
What is the difference..?
Who is to say.?
You can spend eternity pretending and dreaming your life away.. without a single day can count as alive.. for when you are alive..!!
You create dreams among many other things and the despair inbetween.
You hold on to hope, keep you warm like a sleeve, dry your tears so you may cope.
You learn kindness for, family, friends even for your beloved to help in your adventure, to stay by you till the end..
For when you are alive, one thing you will need
It is love, 
To envelop you
To flourish you from just a seed, from just a daydreamer or a pretender to be alive again.