
Friday, August 12, 2016


Have you ever been in a state of confusion.!!
In which all your emotions set the illusion,
That you don't know how you're feeling and you don't know what you want.!
Even if you don't realize it it's terrible when it's you those bad thoughts haunt,
In my opinion confusion is far worse than pain,
Trying to figure it out could definitely cause great strain,
Sitting and wondering what to do or what the confusion is about,
To me not knowing makes me afraid of what I may find out,
I'm not saying I can't handle what's dealt to me but still I can't say I like it,
The best I can do is try to ignore my feelings otherwise I'd have a fit,
I'm pretty sure this feeling has happened to almost everybody,
Confusion of your feelings or whatever it may be,
But I hope not too often or some may end up just like me...