
Sunday, August 07, 2016

I will never walk alone again

One day I found myself.. standing at the edge of good-bye, looking over the canyon of my life
Waiting there to die.
I felt so lost and empty inside.. alone, like no one would care, No one in my life to love.. My heart filled with despair.
I stood at the very edge..  and lifted my face up to the sky, I stood there at that very edge..  and prayed to God I'd die.
Everywhere I seemed to turn.. 
My life filled up with pain,
My days were filled with agony
My nights fell down like rain.
The only arms to hold me.. Belonged to this body of mine, I curled hard within myself..  to my empty heart I was resigned.
And then one day as I sat.. curled tight and all alone.. I felt a warmth stirring, that turned my heart from stone.
This light shone down on me.. And warmed my very soul, It brought a love into my heart.. and made me feel whole.
I felt two arms encompass me and lift me to my feet, this love that spoke to me.. said we would not accept defeat.
Together we will face this world.. and all it brings our way, no longer will you walk alone.. for life starts anew this day.
From now on when you need shelter from this storm of life, I'll be the one to hold you.. for I want you for my life.
When you need love and comfort.. I'll be there to light your way, Just let my arms protect you.. and I'll be here every day.
Never will you be cold or feel lost or all alone.
Just let my love surround you for my love is deeper than you've known.
And with her declaration of this love so grand,
I felt my heart begin to thaw as I began to understand.
No longer would I walk as one or face this world alone, for with this love she gave to me.. I am more loved than I've ever known.
And now when I stand at that edge.. and stare out over all I see, I know I'll never be afraid for I feel her love surrounding me.
She'll keep me safe from harm and love me unconditionally, And all I need to do in return
Is let her give her love to me.
Though she asks for nothing in return
I gladly give her my heart,
I will never walk alone again
For she resides within my heart..