
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

millions.. not enough.

You can read a million books, Learn a millions lines, Close your eyes and wonder and forget it all a million times..
You can eat a millions foods, Drink a million wines
And still find yourself unsatisfied with your taste still undefined
You can hope a millions times and dream a million sheep, you can laugh as though it doesn’t bother you.. Even if a million nights .. you weep
You can sing a million notes,  practice a million ways.. And all it takes is one rejection to have you stop after just one day.
You can have a million lovers, search for a million hearts.. You can hold your breath and wonder and yet suffocate before it ever starts.
You can have a million lifetimes.. A million chances to succeeded, and yet if you never try just once to break the rules..  you will lose the meaning behind your royalty.