
Saturday, December 10, 2016

A star in the sky

Do not despair if your feet stumbled
Do not be sad if the murderer comes to shares of the people closest to your heart for you'll find it tends arrow and restore you to life and smile again
Do not put all your dreams in one person in your journey and 
Do not make the face of someone you love, your only destination whatever the qualities was.
Do not believe that the end of things is the end of the world for the universes is not what the eyes see
Do not wait for a lover and a friend sold you
And wait for the new light can sneak into your sad heart ... 
Rearranging your days of joy and back to your heart's pulse for only you are beautiful.
Do not try to search for the dream failed you for you'll tried to make the case of refractive beginning of a new dream
Do not stand too much on the ruins especially if the bat has been inhabited by ghosts and knew your way.. And look for the sound of a bird; sneaking behind the horizon with the light of a new morning
Do not look at the papers that discolored and those faded letters and got lost between the pain, for you will discover that these lines are not the most beautiful paragraph you can wrote.. And be sure of that these securities is not the last thing will written down.
You must differentiate between those who put Stork in them eyes and threw them to the wind
These lines were not mere words beautifully transient.. But its the heart of the feelings experienced by characters.. The fading away pulse of a person carrying a dream and d stung its fire of pain
Do not be like a heron.. this strange bird that sings the most beautiful pub while bleeding his last drop of blood.
There is nothing in this world worth of blood, even a single drop
And... If winter closed doors of your home with a huge hills and ice remains everywhere
Wait the arrival of spring and open your windows for fresh air breezes; you will see surly from far away, You will see flocks of birds have returned sings
And you will see the sun which received Golden weaved over the branches of your front tree.
To gives you a new lease on life, a new dream and a new heart ..
Pay your age full of a sense of sincere never hide your worth behind your pretending
And do not pay him for the moment in order to beloved once from a long time, was runaway or abandoned your heart for no reason
Do not travel to the desert in search of the beautiful trees for ... You will find in the desert nothing but a killing loneliness... And look at the hundreds of trees that shadow your ways
The fruit will make you happy .. and its new melody will play the most beautiful forbidden melody for you.
Do not try to re-calculate yesterday and lose the sender of your true age when the leaves will not fall back again but with each new spring leaves surly will sprout again
Look at those papers that cover the face of the sky and scrubs, which fell to the ground has become a part of it
If yesterday's lost .. Between your hands today still remains.
And if the day will bring it's worth papers and leaves, you have tomorrow ..
Do not be sad for yesterday he will not be back and with no bet of regrets on the day you lost for it is too late ..
The dream of the Sun will luminous beautiful tomorrow, 
Sometimes we may get used to grief until it becomes a part of us, In some cases, the human eye get used to certain colors and lose the ability to see the other
Don't get tried to see what is around you to discover that the black color is beautiful and white also is the most beautiful of it
And that the gray color of the sky stir emotions and imagination
Look for serenity, even if for the moment.. 
And search for fulfillment, even if you got tired and it was so hard... And stuck thread sun even if it was far
Do not leave your heart and your feelings or even your days for things lost its time
If you do not find it please, try to be happy yourself
If you find you shine lantern
If around you there are many faces can light a candle in your darkness day, Look for the heart gives light not the faces burning to glow,
Do not leave yourself a hostage to the sorrows of the dark nights
Nevet lost hope of life.. and finally 
I tried my best to be a star and I failed.. so keep those words in your mind...!!!
If you are not able to become a star in the sky, try to be a lamp in a house.