
Friday, January 13, 2017


Once I asked my father.. I'm so weak, ugly and have a dark skin, even not handsome.. dad; i never mind, i accept how God created me and I'm thankful for him, yet i only wanna you to tell me how to be Invincible..
10 minuets, one hour later, i stand in front of him and he just has his kindly smile monitoring my willing inside my eyeballs.. and reply;
My baby, 
without darkness we can't estimate light,
without evil we can't estimate goodness,
Without disappointment you... can not, estimate victory 
United you must stand, Divided be ready for fall,  truth maybe a pall,but use it until you grand,
United you should stand with your family hand in hand
Like ants you should work together, And like birds should be industrious.. So, are you understand.!