
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stay alive please..

For being a good friend, thank you, I'd never knew that you're my horse to ride on, and to look out on the world
You see through my disguise, You did never let me be that ordinary man.
For the knowledge you instilled in me, now I'm filling out some paperwork,
I search within myself to find a way to put a blame, and queries on you.
When I was a toddler and I didn't.

Did you ever realize, how much I love you.!!!
And the though of losing you brings tears into my eyes and destroy everything beautiful from my vision,
Though you taught me real men... O please ... don't cry, It so hard for me to hold it back.

There are special people around the world, but we "you and i" are so special in this world our own small world. Its hard for them to understand The bond between you and I,
Is what deepens our connection in I, myself, My father and My son.

This is a so very hard day for me my fathers.. please stay strong, just please don't you ever pass away.. don't you know that you will leave me alone in this world.
Thank you, you dedicated me your life
My mentor, the greatest teacher I ever had, not enough to put into words,
I just wish I could, make you proud of me.