
Monday, May 22, 2017

Visa to the unknown

I'll travel through darkness in search of something what that is no clue have 
I what lies ahead in yonder fields leads me astray on the broken path of loneliness 
I follow under bright moon light and stars my only company in the black of night some where along the way lies the answers in which I seek but in which is like a puzzle with an infinite amount of clues but I only need one answer on a quest that has taken long and forever keep going keep marching onward for long as there is a beat in my heart I can do this for time is all but I have gone are times of happiness madness an anger for what replaces those are loneliness self faith a mystery I guess but all I can do is keep going farther into darkness and feel my heart beat and see star light twinkle and guide my way into the night and then afterwards answers will come to me as long as I keep ticking like a clock towards my destiny