
Friday, June 09, 2017

About the man you love

Imagine a man, born with a heart full of kindness, but it is hidden under a mountain of needs, He has something within of more worth than all gold on earth, but he is not rich, He has within
love for truth
love for the good
love for beauty

love to spreads as a duty
He notice every special moments outside, when the dark of the night gives way to the day's light
He's been learns that; If he keeps one eye on the hereafter, he has only one eye for the task at hand here and now but If keep both eyes on the hereafter he's walking in complete darkness in the here and now.
Accept his life's with its good and bad, complain not about his day if it was happy or sad,
Always busy doing something to others, waiting not they thanksgiving or being grateful for what he do.
Imagine a man, born with a fragile heart in this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all; and, to him it comes with bitterest agony, because it takes his unawares. The older have learned to ever expect it. he has within
hate for lier's
hate for pretenders
hate for treachery
hate for  disloyalty, falsity
He think of the missing miles of his life along the road home, which drowned by your eyes, dazed the whole day wandering the contour of your soul,  
Many uncontrollable circumstances, Have kept him apart, Yet every moment he carry you silently deep within his heart... excuse him, no need to ask for his love proves... O,