
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Dreams of hope

Today, i got a dream, so weird..
"I saw me with a lonely vanishing shadow whispering tenderly 
Just keep going.
Just keep giving.
Just keep kicking.
Just keep striking.
You may not click but just keep clicking.
You may not hit but just keep hitting.
There can never be a getting without going.
There can never be a growing without sowing.
There can never be a achieving without failing.
And you who he walking in the valley of hope and dreams, Always remember you gonna bloom if only you bear the gloom", 

So, it was night full of hopes and dream,and i asked myself dreams, hopes So what...!
In some eyes is laying asleep a little dream, sky is silver and the road is lighten with moonlight, a glaze; a blaze of the sight of a shooting star calling for the creatures of the night and darkest nights are no longer to stay cause the dawn is about to break the day..! 
And where there is a burning desire there is a pool of replenishing hopes,
it will always be like this too shall pass through whatever good or bad life will sail through.

Once the mountains will bathe in the sunshine the dust; the dirt; the dark will glow white and will turn all things bright for where there is life there is a dream to live and hope to achieve and again dream, in between life and living there is a valley of hopes and valley of ever lasting dreams..