
Wednesday, July 05, 2017

life as empty space...

Too much of good things my be bad,  I got my share of things wasn't glad
Through all the ups, all the downs some will be there, some can't be found.
If they won't care as they should, so be.. For this is life in the way that I need to see it.
You can give your all, or you can try not but when they decide to leave, what have you got.?

I builds it up, then it breaks away.... This is life in the way I see it today.
Days come and go, true hearts stay close not like ghost... Without happiness, love is an imitation at most.
It's hard to translate one's feelings into speech, It takes time to overcome the obstacles we meet.
Don't let me live life scared of what my words will bring,
Even if i fail, at least you attempted to do something.
In this life I would rather fail everyday, and tell my stories of the one's that burning bridges just for getting away.. O

Wait I'm still having a wish, When I die, carry out my final wish.
Bury me beneath the soil, away from all of this.
The want for love, the need for your company.
Bury me far from it, when my breath has left me.
Never to be reminded of this terrible place,

I've tried to called it home but it's really just empty space.