
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Your power is my misery

And when your beloved one asked you ...!
"Just tell me one word to point the way, Then we have time for morphology"
 you should point for the way.. the way of power and misery
Money and power are closely related, everybody need it but for some.. they deeply hated, for you can't pay back in money what your family did for you, you can't repay in kindness, all the tenderness your beloved shows, and when you have too much money! 
People will make themselves blue, easy to pretending, cheating and never will be true, they will do what works best for you... they will call you honey yet
money can't buy you happiness the type that last till eternity, it can buy everything for you except to make someone to really love you.

Thousands of years of life ago,
The rain has no power, The wind has no power, The sun has no power, The flood has no power and The drought has no power to destroy humankind bonds, Money did, do and will always be our source of power.... and misery.