
Monday, August 28, 2017

A little champer

There is a little champer inside this bleeding heart, when the waves flow high... When the moon disappear beneath the cloud... When the world shrinks leave no space for breathe, when the storm twiste men trust leave no home mixing all the things with merely dust... I runs there and hide.
Respectfully, freely I offered it to you, for if we could play together then surly we can pray there forever... This humble kind of fortune is what I'm willingly seek, a peaceful place where two-piece of unique fragile spirits can fold silently what words failed to describe,
It's not war, or even not a battle .. it's forbidden for knights to fight..  Inside the shamper, let the wind of changing fold the sails, let that beam of hope light the candles, warm the senses for in time the boat will be at your shoes, searching for your champer to pray there forever.