
Saturday, August 05, 2017

Clarify clarity,

When I was happy, I found happiness everywhere,
When I am in pain, I saw pain everywhere,
Life, nature and universe taught me... 

Be innocent in heart as innocent as learning kid... but not an ignorant as ignorant as a fool,
Be full of kindness and mercy, but not open the gates of your heart... Beware of theft and deception for life is full of fake people.
Be a brave full of courage and valour, but think about consequences,
Be humble and not a ruthless, and however this world helped me a lot or even not...  To be always helpful to needy, but beware of greedy.
Work more, plan well to earn morality more not coins,
Be polite, know where to bend, Where one should be flexible,Never to be slave to anything!

and let profits never corrupt the mind..
Serve all, be a servant of none other than your own family ... Be selfless but not selfish!!
Help others without discrimination and reserve, only keep away from selfish people unless they're selfish in loving you.
To think well, but never worry,
Talk well and good to all, yet be careful, never fall into traps and illusive words!
Be faithful and trust, but only after confirming Trustworthiness!
Self and awareness are so clear, only has to go through phases of life,
Safe journey needs precautions and preparations,
You may grow but not the child in you, guide it and be a better guide, know well about nature and world around..