
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Down streets of life

Stopping off and on, never getting what I am looking for -
down streets of life. Streaming down hot, black, tar paved streets, looking for
life to meet my needs.
Seeing sights, beauty, along the way, finding an umbrella once in a while for shade to rest beneath, Losing all hope when looking up ahead at my horizon, because it is too far out of reach.
Standing still within my mind, choices of life cannot be defined, grief from the past, pounding, pressing heavily upon my life's blood, causing pain to fill my tormented mind.
Causing it to turn inside out - searching for the reasons and meaning of it's scattered fragmented existence.
Finding reasons from the past that have brought this lasting impression of what life is about leaving no room for asking questions ... just leaving unsettling doubts creeping out from pages of yesterday's memories.
Debris piled high, giving life the image of being a dump a garbage pile rife with pain.
Standing on the edge ... looking back.... slipping... falling... landing in a heap of death.