
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Ship and sea..

Thousands stars shone out that night, around their placid queen;
A ship hath can't left the shore, for Where shall that good ship must be,
Ere fill the moon one bright horn more..!!
Deep... deep in the booming sea... The moon shone calmly bright upon this restless hearts

Bowing heard you not, but now... A wild unearthly silently cry
They ask with troubled strength, breathless and a tears in the eye

What's your fears..... ? 
For there is no long time enough to catch you hands and smell the breeze with every night.... And slow moves our ship with her wings of white,
O.. ! It's so hard dream then until the change so soon to be, and hundreds songs of longing spreads on the deep and booming sea..
The waves are hushed and blue, But where... Ogod, where is she, The good ship with her gallant crew..?
Deep.... down in the booming sea..!