
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wise men said

A long ago, wise men said, this life is so arrogant, and he who deceived by life tempting, he lose his destiny.
devil is capable of doing much... Capable of morphing with a thousand images, but he can not control those who dispense good to other.
what is the value of life and living if we lost our moral values, and selling our Innocence, tenderness and humanity.
How we can be proud in front of our mirrors if we lived our life escape from the truth. 
Money can come from the wind . it also may lost in the hardships of our life even our children leave us in the day of reckoning.
Money always disappears regardless of its amount, nothing will save us but the good we do for It will always remains.
and who we will be if we sold our past and our present, and why we even live if tomorrow can't bring satisfaction, and how we lay on beds sleeping as dead without dreaming about future, yet how dreams can see light if it was not a result to our good deeds.
a long ago, wise men said, this life is so arrogant, and he who deceived by life tempting him, he lose his destiny.
devil is capable of doing much... Capable of morphing with a thousand images, but he can not control those who dispense good to other.