
Friday, September 15, 2017

be patient

Patience is a virtue, or at least that’s what I’ve heard, but for the one waiting it sounds so absurd.
We need a distraction from what we’re waiting for, something that will end the torture of thinking about what’s in store.
We wait for so many things in our life suffering to end... An end to our strife.
We wait for something special something better to come along,
We wait in abundance and hope nothing goes wrong.
But for those who are patient the rewards are all worthwhile, they get what they waited for,
And receive it with style.
For those who get frustrated, Who kick and make a fuss,
For them the rewards mean less the things for which they lust.
No longer mean as much... Nor hold the same joy,
We’ve got to practice patience,... Life isn’t just a toy.