
Wednesday, September 06, 2017

hope nothing for tomorrow's

Let the night of longing and its brilliant sky, its shining stars, its moon keeping awake all night.. ... All of them together are witnessing to this madness love, You and I, my sweetheart, my life... Let us live in the eyes of the night, let us go beyond our existence.. Let our desires prevent the sun from rising.. Don't tell me "life" what is the meaning behind.. For it's one night talking to your eyes, touching your senses, holding that first beam of dawn in your heart.. Forget about yesterday's hope nothing for tomorrow's ..  Living a life in a blink of an eye on you.. How one's can describe before and after love what's looks like.. With a blink of an eye this desert life becomes garden, cloud become god magnificent  message, even in the heart of loneliness nights become melody to fold my wings between the stars silently.