
Monday, September 18, 2017

Hope of my life 002

You're the hope of my life, A precious Love that never ends
You're the best song that my heart heard and that could never be forgotten, take all my love way.. but today but today let me live... Keep me by your side, in your heart's lap!... Let me dream.. For I hope the time never wakes me up..
My hope.. My life... My eyes
You're more precious.. more precious than me to me
You're the lover of yesterday and the lover of today
You're a lover for tomorrow.. and for the end of times
My lover... Talk to me and tell me
What dream could possibly be missing when I'm lying in your arms
I never tasted love like you love
I never loved, the love of my life, but for you i did.. I've met my dreams, I've met the world.. I've met love
From the first time I met you.. I gave you my heart.. you're the life of my heart
I've never dreamed of more than this happiness,
I don't ask more than what I'm in after this joy with you my love.. If I lost my life.. I don't regret it
It's enough for me to wake to your smile singing, I hear it as a song telling me love that doesn't end, keep me by your side, in your heart and let me dream.. for I hope the time never wakes me up until I'll be by your side.
You're the one whose love filled all the world with love, whose presence awakened my life time and my heart, when you're with me, it's hard for me to blink.. Even for seconds, It's hard on me if your beauty or your sweetness disappears even a bit, O
I miss you so much..
I would like to call you by a word that was never told before, A word worth all this love.. A word to show my longings and passion... A word like you.. but where can I find you...!
There wasn't anyone born like you.. Keep me by your side, in your heart and let me dream..
My love, no matter how long my life would be with you, It'll always still few.. the joy and tenderness that's in your love is enough for more than many long generations
Your love filled my heart and my thoughts, lightens my night and making my life longer... It grows, by your preciousness, it always grows and it's always new.. by its sweetness, always new
You made me live the love, with you as it's a thousand love, with each look at you, I love you all over again

I loved in your eyes all the world even my enemies and those who envy me, all of the people seem nice to me as long as my eyes see the world with you by my side,
I fall asleep and wake on you lips singing... I hear it as a song.. i hear it as a song
Telling me love that doesn't end
Keep me by your side, in your heart ... Let me dream.. for I hope the time never wakes me up.. never wakes me up..