
Friday, September 29, 2017

I want to die

Out of love... I can take tricks and schemes butt from the beautiful faces even the I... won't take lies..
When she says She loves life and I see her eyes said ‘' I want to die ‘'.. O dear know what..!  in this world this is a great lie.
My lady in heart every one likes to live honestly no matter in what conditions, this is the quirky charm of life... none can den, the beauties of life lie not only on possessions or in physical comforts,
beauties of life lie even in thoughts full of my being while brings a glimpse of your missing tenderness, in seeing hibernated in the hand of our destiny, in listening to the melody of my wounds waving over my flute of fears, in feeling words can't describe.
life produces a mysterious music out of whatever is the flute.. even if we are not in the right position yet, we are enjoying the mysterious music of life and still we can dance with the tune of clarity.
so please... stop tell a lie ‘' I want to die ‘' or "it's time to say goodbye"
keep dancing with tune of life.. lets the wind blow and the rain to come down and see in wonder how nice is the rainbow meeting the humble ground.