
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

End of story

Poor clown has been fall in love with queen, he tired trying to know where the princes live, she happily tired of cheating him, and as sea waves never stop from breaking in sea shore both of them never giving up play his role in this story,
The clown spent each and every coin he earns through his miserable life hoping to meet the queen one more time, while she kept set him up from lie to another, and because he was honest dealing with her lies, he spent year after another satisfying her wishes, believing that one day she will say the true place where she lives,
one day he awakes up from his long journey to knew that the queen accept to meet him in Netherlands, and it was a long long journey from where he unsed to live, 
and again as usual he start to get ready for his life journey willing to see her once and last time, and because he was poor, and because he knocked all the doors he knew to his family and friends asking them for help, 
he couldn't has the journey requirements, he spend so long nights thinking what still remains to do..
So, few days later he remember a story once from a long time ago his father had told him, about white and red rose, " a beautiful red rose was fall in love with white rose which was ignore and refuse this love, the red rose tried all means were necessary to drive this white rose to love it... to talk to it, to just blossom in its face, and one day the white rose decided to has a chat with this red rose, 
- good morning my love, would you just tell me when you will love me as I love you ? "red rose ask'
- good morning, let me tell you when i love you.. "white rose reply"
 watch me everyday and when my petals will turn its color to red, i'll be in love with you"
Red rose kept all the spring watch the white rose and nothing happened.. and white rose finally decide to cut his stem to bleed his blood into his lover this wild white rose to turn her color to red with his blood"
finally the red rose did it, and the white rose turned her color to red, but red rose died trying.
So, the clown said why not, i can also bleed to see the queen love me, he went to a doctor and said, i want to sail a part of my life, could you do this to me, first he refused to reply the clown, then after a long thinking, the doctor accepted to take a part of this poor clown and give him money for his journey,
the clown was so afraid to die as the red rose, but he accept that beam of hope as a gift from god,
two days later spent in hospital doctor knock the door and said to him..
"I'm sorry i have a bad news" doctor said,
O.. what news tell me if you please. "the clown reply"
We can't take this part of you for it is not as quite good as we need, "doctor.
the clown went to his home wondering how he can get ready for his journey ..!
clown older daughter asked him, my father when you were out, your friend brought this package and asked me to give it to you,
the clown reply "who"..!
I don't knew him "daughter"
surprisingly it was the money he promised to got from the doctor, the same amount.. a tears fallen from his eyes, had been hidden from his daughter,
the clown hurry to pray for god, and start again to manage his steps to be ready to his journey,
he was willing to tell the queen that everyday he spend, he just spends it in a new steps on the way of his journey,
then he decided to ink her a letter telling her that he do everything he can to meet her, 
few days later he got reply from "the queen" just five lines
The Curtain fell
The show is over
The seats emptied...
It was theater.
It wasn't love.
end of story