
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

from facebook life into face reality we shall go

He read each status update and the comments that were shared,
Left a comment of his own to show that he too cared,
Then scanning through the profiles of each like that he received,
He found a kindred spirit that he hoped could be believed.
They spoke most every evening and shared jokes throughout the day,
No matter what was posted they just knew what words to say,
Their friendship quickly blossomed and future plans were set,
A promise to meet up for real with no worry or regret.
He found his quarry easily by check-in time and date,
No need for a routine when it's served up on a plate,
The days of stalking people just a story from the past,
Now everything you need is on the web-page they viewed last.
The address wasn't far away and not that hard to find,
He laughed at how the Internet was built with this in mind,
Walking through the neighborhood like home was just ahead,
No one could suspect what he had planned to do instead.
He peered into the window at his target unaware,
Lost in a realm of binary without a worldly care,
Staring deep into a glowing screen that held a phrase of dread,
Close that Facebook window and look up at me instead...!