
Wednesday, October 04, 2017

In a world where love has no doors opened

When will i ever wake up from this nightmare it is daytime i see the suns bright glare, i feel as it's all a bad dream but I'm awake, i want to run away, i want to escape my body can't take much more there's too much sadness soon my mind
will be driven to madness.
how much can one person handle, I'm in total despair i need time, time for my mind and body to repair... life is not perfect and easy nor do i expect it to be but it shouldn't be this hard... do you not see..!
Please help me wake up from this nightmare of mine... i doubt that I can take any more, no, not this time, I have no patient to wait another four months, I'm a human with a feelings vanish everyday in a world where love has no doors opened.