
Thursday, October 05, 2017

Love is something from above

In the darkness as the flame flickers up high above... you make my heart melt from your candle of love. 
You give me light, when I can't see...  you take my sadness, and set it free. 
Promise me to be always there, day or night... you guide me in, with your shimmering light. 
You will be there to warm my feelings when I am cold, always around for me to hold. 
You have understanding, and show me concern, forever in my heart, your candle will burn. When the power is out, you're always there, to give me comfort, and show me care.
This may be a poem or maybe not, but the feelings are real, from your candle of love, you made me feel. How proud I am, to be at your side, now I have light, I don't have to hide.  For you my dear, you make me live, in return, I'd like my all to give.