
Friday, October 13, 2017

Please write a poem on who you are..?

An online friend requested from afar
What? I’m worthless, nothing was my thought... but that wasn’t the answer that he sought... After being so nicely asked and I couldn’t resist, so I sat down to make a truthful idea list.
Who is anyone..? where is anyone..? That’s the key I thought, after brainstorming I really felt distraught... Perhaps I should start ... age, sex, location...?
But it doesn’t describe you or clear frustration, these things won’t touch the surface of anyone, for the real inner me now that would be gone
Is it your heart..? My brain..? How I think..? How you think..?
Maybe the fact sometimes I feel life’s down the sink..?
Or maybe our feelings what makes us happy or sad?
And those irritating things that make me so mad ?
Is it loving art, music and reading a book with a good song, or maybe that I often get things so very wrong.
Perhaps that I care far too easily..?

Does work is a great excuse to hide, avoiding things crashing in with the tide
Perhaps it's the reason I like black and white, or I only search for something unique and very bright, maybe its that my senses often cry at hearing sad song, and get lumps in my throat is that wrong ?
Maybe its whatever I do never seems enough, to make people contented is continually tough.
On a game said I search truth, honor in mankind, I hoped but o... so rare these days I find.
Yes I know I’m gullible and often don’t see, those that not friendly good interest in me, Maybe it’s that I cringe when I turn on the news, for the hurt, badness injustice in the world does me bruise.
I know, it’s that I believe there’s good in everyone, however much they behave hurt me I forgive- is that wrong?
I believe in good and truth eventually being shown, Even if for ages it was carefully hidden not known,
Maybe that’s I’m just a dreamer of impossible things, of unspoilt nature mountains, woodlands and streams
But its my heart and soul that I see, they shape my thought actions and me
And I write what comes from my head, I guess show my feelings and stuff I dread
My inner thoughts I guess must come through, They all express my feelings putting you in view.