
Monday, October 16, 2017

Shoo.. forget you

Shoo.. forget you, abandon you, neglect your feelings... we are a thousand miles away from those words. It is impossible for my heart to lean and love another one in this earth or another.
I'm sleepless, suffering from distance, 
I never asked you to show your love, to let me know in you care,
I'm not even willing to let you be fair,
I may forget your sins towards me, I may forget how you humiliating my dignity, but to forget you.. No I'm sorry I can't
Our love story has it's unforgettable unique memories, It's the days while i truly felt with my heart beats, It's the days which contain dreams came true and dreams still awaiting to come true.
My life before you appeared you owned a long ago, even the rest of my life still waiting your existence to be yours.
years passed as seconds in our love story, with all it's ups and downs,  all the sweet passions were visible even in our adversaries.
And you say, I will forget you, How .. while even we are sad, even we are in distance I love you more than yesterday.

Yes.. May be I'm sad, mad... may be I failed to be everything you hopped for, but in our story, 
separation, abandon, or even forget about each other's... not an options,